IHRAM International Fellow Grace Suge in Kenya brings us this vital reportage about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) among the tribal Pokot people in the Kenyan bush.

Human Rights Art Festival

Tom Block is a playwright, author of five books, 20-year visual artist and producer of the International Human Rights Art Festival. His plays have been developed and produced at such venues as the Ensemble Studio Theater, HERE Arts Center, Dixon Place, Theater for the New City, IRT Theater, Theater at the 14th Street Y, Athena Theatre Company, Theater Row, A.R.T.-NY and many others.  He was the founding producer of the International Human Rights Art Festival (Dixon Place, NY, 2017), the Amnesty International Human Rights Art Festival (2010) and a Research Fellow at DePaul University (2010). He has spoken about his ideas throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Turkey and the Middle East. For more information about his work, visit www.tomblock.com.


IHRAM International Fellow Karlo Sevilla (Philippines) shares his powerful collection of poetry about the Duterte regime in his country


Voices in the Storm by Geraldine Sinyuy